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Trading Execution

Providing market leading pricing and execution is Global Prime’s #1 purpose.

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Institutional Execution

Achieving the best possible result for our clients trades

Global Prime aims to be the #1 retail broker in the world for pricing and execution across all forex and metals. You can read more about our purpose. To achieve our goal of becoming the #1 broker in the world for pricing and execution, and thus achieving best execution for our clients, we consider the following factors:

Global Prime Best Execution Review

Spreads & Pricing

Consistently tight spreads are the most effective way of reducing trading costs. We encourage price competitiveness between our 20+ trading counterparties through our unique ECN model. Our liquidity providers compress their spreads to compete for our clients flow.

Our spreads rank amongst the tightest in the world across all FX, metals, indices and commodities products.

Global Prime Popular Markets Spreads

Symbol Description Min Avg
EURUSD Euro vs United States Dollar 0.0 0.1
AUDUSD Australian Dollar vs United States Dollar 0.0 0.1
XAUUSD Gold vs United States Dollar 0.0 12.8c
XTIUSD WTI Crude Oil Spot vs United States Dollar 1.6 1.6c
GER30 DAX Germany 30 Index 0.6 0.7

Integrity & Reliability

Price reliability and integrity is about ensuring that our prices are in line with market prices.

This means our market mid point is in line with other providers or the underlying markets that the product is based off. This takes into consideration factors such as news events, rollover, periods of illiquidity, fair value and so on.

  • We source our prices from a diverse range of counterparties including over 20 different tier-1 banks, non-bank market makers and ECNs.
  • We do not create our own price, i.e. we simply stream the prices that we receive from our trading counterparties. This means our clients orders are never visible to our trading counterparties - completely negating this potential conflict of interest.
  • We review our prices relative to other providers. For products where we do not have an ‘aggregated’ price and therefore the price is more susceptible to manipulation, e.g. Indices CFDs, we take factors such as fair value and skew into consideration to ensure the fairness and competitiveness of our prices.
  • We regularly review all trading counterparties and are always adding new ones to improve our pricing and execution. See the trading counterparties section for more information.

Rejection Rates

  • We execute all orders as limit orders. This means we put a zero price tolerance on orders that are sent to our trading counterparties. While this should result in a higher rejection rate, the high fill ratio from our liquidity providers of greater than 90%, keeps our rejection rates and slippage low.
  • Our deep and diverse liquidity ensures that an order which is rejected by one liquidity provider can be filled by another. This is how our rejection rates can remain at around 1% while our individual liquidity provider rejections are <10%.

Global Prime Average Rejection Rates

Market Q1-19 Q2-19 Q3-19 Q4-19
Forex 4.52%* 1.78% 1.78% 1.52%
Commodities 1.48% 0.70% 0.40% 0.38%
Indices 1.27% 0.27% 0.49% 1.46%

*For Forex Q1-19. JPY flash crash on 2 January 2019.


Slippage is the difference between the requested price and the fill price or (more accurately) the market price at the time the order is received and the fill price.

  • Slippage generally occurs for 2 reasons, either due to a delay between an action and its execution or due to a lack of liquidity depth resulting in VWAP (volume weighted average price) slippage. Global Prime is dedicated to ensuring minimal slippage for all of its clients.
  • Our extensive and diverse liquidity mix enables us to hold our trading counterparties to a high standard. We maintain fill ratios with individual LPs of greater than 90% and use ‘no last look’ when supported for improved execution and reduced slippage on your trades.
  • Global Prime selects its technology providers very specifically to ensure the highest quality for its clients. By maintaining a close relationship with all technology providers and through constant monitoring and reporting we are able to refine our trading environment to reduce slippage across the board.
  • We pass on all price improvements so our positive and negative slippage is symmetrical.

Global Prime Slippage Rates

Market Positive At Price Negative
Forex 19.56% 66.86% 13.58%
Commodities 12.87% 67.43% 19.70%
Indices 25.84% 51.65% 22.51%

Global Prime removes the potential conflict of interest between the best execution of your trades and our profitability.

Global Prime does not:
  • Run a B-book or make money from client losses.
  • Receive any form of profit share from a group entity relating to our clients trading losses, i.e. no other company runs a B-book on our behalf.
  • Have arrangements with trading counterparties to run a B-book on our behalf.
  • Our trading is fully automated, i.e. ‘No Deal Desk’. We have no human discretionary traders and we do not make hedge execution decisions based on client trading behaviour or account profitability.
  • Make proprietary trades or hold proprietary risk positions.

While this information doesn’t form part of our client agreement, this is information that we expect to be held accountable to, and which we are always happy to verify, as all brokers should.

Global Prime's

Trading Counterparties

As an ECN, STP and NDD broker, our focus is to find the best trading counterparties for your trades.

Global Prime executes all trades on a back to back, 1:1 basis, with the group parent Gleneagle Securities Pty Ltd. Gleneagle maintains all prime broker and trading relationships for the group. Gleneagle Securities executes trades with the trading counterparties below for Global Prime.

When you request a trade receipt from Global Prime, one of these trading counterparties will always feature - assuming the trade is above the interbank minimum.

  • We review our prices relative to other providers. For products where we do not have an ‘aggregated’ price and therefore the price is more susceptible to manipulation, e.g. Indices CFDs, we take factors such as fair value and skew into consideration to ensure the fairness and competitiveness of our prices.
  • We regularly review all trading counterparties and are always adding new ones to improve our pricing and execution.
Banks Non-bank Market Makers
COMMERZBANK AG Citadel Securities
GOLDMAN SACHS Vidarr Capital
HSBC Virtu
Natwest LMAX
Brokers/Prime of Primes Institutional ECNs & Aggregators
CFH FlexTrade
CMC HotSpot
Exante Currenex

We trade with you as principal

When you trade with Global Prime, we execute your trades as principal since we issue the product to you, i.e. we are the financial services provider giving you the product.

This legal relationship does not mean your trade is not executed by one of the group's liquidity providers, it just means that Global Prime is the legal counterparty to your trade. This legal relationship will be the same wherever you trade unless the broker is an ‘agent’, i.e. They’re a middleman between you and the real broker, who you will trade with as principal. This is generally how OTC markets operate.

Global Prime cannot act as an agent between a trader and the market since this would require the trader to have a relationship with the prime broker, which they could not do without tens of millions of capital behind them. Global Prime can and does facilitate such arrangements for institutional traders that have their own prime broker.

Who is the counterparty on your trades?

Global Prime is the legal counterparty to all of your trades. We are the financial services provider issuing the product to you and we are trading with you as principal.

Global Prime offsets 100% of its market risk with Gleneagle Securities Pty Ltd who in turn offsets most of this risk with its trading counterparties - banks, non-banks and ECNs. See the small trades section above for how small trades are executed.

Despite the fact that we are the counterparty to your trades, we are always able to demonstrate which liquidity provider filled your trades and this is the core difference between Global Prime’s ECN, STP, NDD business model and 99.99% of other brokers.

Your questions, answered.

What does ECN mean? Right Arrow

Electronic Communications Networks or ‘ECNs’ are off-exchange execution venues which allow market participants to trade with a range of counterparties anonymously. They are the main trading venues for OTC markets such as Foreign Exchange and Metals.

This basically means ECNs provide the technology and venue for price makers aka ‘liquidity providers’ to distribute their liquidity. Price takers (traders) can see these prices and execute trades against them. The ECN is therefore responsible for prices/quotes and the execution of orders.

See our ECN page for a detailed overview of the Global Prime ECN offering.

What is a hedge-counterparty? Right Arrow

When you place a trade at Global Prime, that trade is offset with one of our hedge counterparties. A hedge counterparty is an entity who Global Prime trades with, to fill your trades. This basically means that your trade is matched via our ECN and hedged with our liquidity providers simultaneously.

What is the ‘best execution?’ Right Arrow

Best execution refers to our continued efforts to create the ultimate trading environment for clients. This takes the form of our team's commitment to ensuring we can provide clients with a seamless trading experience that combines competitive spreads, swaps and execution speeds with industry leading reliability and infrastructure.

How does Global Prime ensure industry leading pricing? Right Arrow

We achieve this by holding our 26 + LP’s to high standards and ensure that they are pricing us their most competitive offering. Our unique ECN model enables LP’s to compress their spread and compete for clients' flow. This has resulted in our spreads ranking amongst the tightest in the world across all FX and metals, indices and commodities products.

How does Global Prime ensure integrity and reliability? Right Arrow

We ensure integrity and reliability by holding our counterparties to a very high standard and we strive to ensure our prices are always in line with the market. Accordingly, our market mid point is in line with other providers or the underlying market off which it is based.

What is Global Prime’s rejection rate? Right Arrow

Our industry leading liquidity pool enables us to provide substantial market depth and a diverse range of liquidity. This has translated into an incredible 99% fill rate with as little as 1% of orders being rejected.

Are you looking to lower your trading costs?

Commission Free

New Beta

Trade EURUSD with a spread of only 0.4 pips and no additional commissions.

Detailed Trade Receipts

See the performance of every trade execution including the liquidity provider behind your trade.

Multiple Platforms

MT4, TraderEvolution and TradingView. Fully supported.

Compare Our Account Features

Commission Free

Our new lowest fee model. Trade EURUSD from 0.4 pips round turn with no added commissions

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Spreads + Commission

Traditional ECN fee model with spreads from 0.0 pips and $7/lot commission.

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Spread From 0.4 Pips 0.0 Pips
Commission $0 $7 per round turn lot
Starting Deposit $200 $200
Platforms MT4, TraderEvolution, TradingView MT4, TraderEvolution, TradingView
Server Location New York New York
Execution speeds from 1ms 1ms
Micro lot trading(0.01)
100+ Markets 100+ Markets FX, Indices, Commodities, Digital Currencies, Shares, Bonds 100+ Markets FX, Indices, Commodities, Digital Currencies, Shares, Bonds
One Click Trading
Trading Styles Allowed All All
Order Distance Restriction None None
Suitable For All Traders All Traders

Benefits of World Class Trading

Tight Spreads

You'll be able to trade on competitive rates and leverage our global reach.


Deep liquidity through ECNs and dark pools. Get the ECN advantage.

Range of Markets

Get access to the world's most liquid markets. Trade 24 hours a day.

Radical Transparency

Trade Receipts - the easy way to verify your trades.

No Restrictions

We've got you covered: technical, fundamental, news, and EA friendly.

Low Latency

Fast execution speeds from as low as 1ms. Competitive pricing

We serve traders like you
from 196 countries*

Spreads From

0.0 Pips

Execution From

1 MS

Trade Markets


Deposit & Withdrawal

$0 Fee

Multiple Instant Payments

Fund your account with over 15+ instant deposit methods. AUD, EUR, GBP, JPY, SGD or USD - save on conversions!

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